Possible Early Release

Dear friends,

Unfortunately, I am still in prison. The day before I was supported to go home, the judge added another year and 2 months to my sentence in violation of my due process rights and the Penal Code. My lawyers plan on fighting it, but there is no telling how long it will take since there are no guarantees of anything.

However, I have some good news too. I qualify for possible early release on Prop. 57 since I am nonviolent and since I have served the longest term of my sentence.

The Board of Parole Hearings will be reviewing my case and there is a chance that they will release me in March. This is not guaranteed. A lot will depend on the victim's statement. If he writes to them that he thinks that I should be released, that he doesn't feel threatened by me and that I am a good person, they are a lot more likely to release me.

I am submitting my letters of support that you guys sent me in the past. If you haven't sent one before, please feel free to send one to the BPH now.

Please, address your letter in the following way:

Your full legal name

Mailing address

Phone number

Board of Parole Hearings

Attn: Nonviolent Parole Review

P. O. Box 4036

Sacramento, CA 95812-4036

Today's date

Dear BPH Commissioner,

My name is .... I am writing to you regarding Ms Oxane Taub (WG8026).

I am ..... (a supporter, friend, family member etc..)  I advocate for Ms Taub's early release because.......

Should you have any questions, please, feel free to call me at .... (phone number)

Your full name

Your signature


Please, send your letter out by the end of this week. The BPH has to receive it no later than February 25, but with all the delays that have been happening with mail, it is best to send it out the sooner the better, before the end of this week.

Please, send a copy of your letter to my lawyer Chris Dobbins. It would be really important for him to have it in case we have to appeal the Board's decision.

Please, send a copy of your letter to:

Chris Dobbins

645 A Canyon Oaks Drive

Oakland, CA 94605

By the way, if you are having any difficulties or need legal advice, feel free to contact Chris. He is a great person. He will gladly help you.

You can call him at (510)-928-0454 or email him at  ChrisDobbinsLaw@yahoo(dot)com 

(Put a real dot where it says (dot). We usually alter people's emails when posting them online)

I really appreciate your help and support. Thank you in advance!

With love,

